Sunday, August 31, 2014

The "Science" of Destiny

Destiny or fate is a predetermined course of events.  Do you believe we have predetermined future?  It is an idea based on a belief that there is a fixed natural order to the cosmos. I am here to inform you, if you are a true logical science minded atheist, then you must believe in destiny and that no one has "free will".


According to science, the "Big Bang" model suggests that at some moment all matter in the universe was contained in a single point, which is considered the beginning of the universe. The Big Bang theory does not provide any explanation for the initial conditions of the universe. The theory

describes and explains the general evolution of the universe going forward from that point on. But the majority of the scientific community agree it was made by a chemical reaction and not by a creative intelligence or design.

When chemicals are mixed they always react the exact identical manner. Every child in school is taught about Newton's laws of physics. This means there is no "random" when it comes to an atom of hydrogen exploding or even the lottery numbers coming up all sevens, just that we as humans have a hard time knowing when it will occur. But according to science we are just a bunch of math and chemical reactions.

Right now someone is reading this and thinking, "Yes, I make my own decisions! I have a brain!". Yes you do have a brain and a mind and according to science it is a mass of chemical reactions that was programmed by science to think that thought. Pretty scary to lose control but according to science, you never had control. You just bounce around like pinballs in a cosmic arcade game and while the pattern might seem random, it is not random.

There are also doctrines and philosophy that preach fate and destiny. Norns in Norse mythology are female beings who ruled the destiny of gods and men. The Pharisees also believed in fate, unlike their counterpart the Sadducees who stated "there is no fate". But we would expect that sort of debate from any religion. Some religions argue that without fate there can be no prophecies. While some atheists may wish to turn a blind eye, they cannot escape the fact they must believe in destiny, if they stay true to their belief in physics, math, and chemistry.

Sadly there is no way to prove or disprove your destiny. If you say, "I will show you, I am going to change my mind and not go to the store like I planned to do!". Then my so-called chemical reaction bounced onto the internet and gave rise to your brain chemistry and thus changed your path and it was meant to be.

Great thinkers like Einstein and Hawking can have their hidden variable theory to explain the Uncertainty Principle into physics. But I have my own theory, there is intelligent design behind the universe. That no matter how intelligent you are, you still make some mistakes, and those errors give us clues into the design. So I cannot profess to the belief in destiny or fate. Because then I would have to absolve all the evil actions of mankind, after all they would not be "responsible" for their own destiny.

I believe this life is not just a happy accident.

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