Sunday, May 26, 2019

Weird Medical Science

I visited my medical doctor yesterday. I am diagnosed with cancer that should see me dead in short time.  I wasn't surprised, I saw this coming as both of my parents died from the big C.  I was told about some ways to extend my suffering and said no thanks, I am lucky enough to live in one of the states that allows medical cannabis.  Why postpone terminal?  Sorry do I sound like a wet blanket?  I did come here to talk about weird medical science.

Back in the 1980's I read about how doctors and scientist were designing and building nanorobots, with devices as small as a flea.  Today these robots range in size from 0.1 to 10 micrometers.  If I had a cancer tumor (which I don't) then these robots could swim in my blood plasma and remove the tumor without surgery.  But according to the doctors and scientists... we don't have that level of technology.  Something I read about almost 40 years ago, who or what is holding this back?

I have a good friend in the field who is a doctor, in fact he is a geneticist and practices outside the US. Since Scottish scientists succeeded in cloning the sheep known as Dolly, the prospect of human cloning has catapulted its way into the public consciousness.  He explained to me, there is no need to clone an entire human, methods exist today to clone a single organ.  But anti cloning laws abound throughout the world.  In short assume you are in your 60's and find out you have an organ with cancer.  It isn't like "The Island" where they make you a clone rip out the organ and kill a person.  They can clone an organ alone and because of all the politics and ethical debate, doctors are not allowed.

Mice have been used to create human ears for people who lost an ear.  This is only cosmetic surgery and not full organ cloning.  I guess no one cries about this process but I think the real reason this is allowed, because no one died from losing an ear.

The conclusion I come to, looking over the vast time of advancement in medical science and technology, is the fear global over population. If we start cloning vital organs, hearts, lungs, livers, pancreas, etc. people would begin living longer and continue to reproduce. 

Because of the ethical gray areas surrounding embryonic stem cell research, my friend the  geneticist I mentioned before must work outside the US.  So I am off to be his lab rat, I don't mind if he cannot cure me, I think it is a shame we place such high morals on the medical and scientific community. If I do a follow up blog here you will know the results.

Stem cells are blank cells that imprint off nearby cells, and can also divide in self-renewal to produce more of the same type of stem cells.  This is actually practiced legally in his country and has a pretty good success rate.  While the source of stem cells is unborn fetus, many people claim this to be a right to life issue.  I look at it as, "Excuse me, do you plan to throw that away or put it to use?".  

Sunday, August 31, 2014

The "Science" of Destiny

Destiny or fate is a predetermined course of events.  Do you believe we have predetermined future?  It is an idea based on a belief that there is a fixed natural order to the cosmos. I am here to inform you, if you are a true logical science minded atheist, then you must believe in destiny and that no one has "free will".


According to science, the "Big Bang" model suggests that at some moment all matter in the universe was contained in a single point, which is considered the beginning of the universe. The Big Bang theory does not provide any explanation for the initial conditions of the universe. The theory

describes and explains the general evolution of the universe going forward from that point on. But the majority of the scientific community agree it was made by a chemical reaction and not by a creative intelligence or design.

When chemicals are mixed they always react the exact identical manner. Every child in school is taught about Newton's laws of physics. This means there is no "random" when it comes to an atom of hydrogen exploding or even the lottery numbers coming up all sevens, just that we as humans have a hard time knowing when it will occur. But according to science we are just a bunch of math and chemical reactions.

Right now someone is reading this and thinking, "Yes, I make my own decisions! I have a brain!". Yes you do have a brain and a mind and according to science it is a mass of chemical reactions that was programmed by science to think that thought. Pretty scary to lose control but according to science, you never had control. You just bounce around like pinballs in a cosmic arcade game and while the pattern might seem random, it is not random.

There are also doctrines and philosophy that preach fate and destiny. Norns in Norse mythology are female beings who ruled the destiny of gods and men. The Pharisees also believed in fate, unlike their counterpart the Sadducees who stated "there is no fate". But we would expect that sort of debate from any religion. Some religions argue that without fate there can be no prophecies. While some atheists may wish to turn a blind eye, they cannot escape the fact they must believe in destiny, if they stay true to their belief in physics, math, and chemistry.

Sadly there is no way to prove or disprove your destiny. If you say, "I will show you, I am going to change my mind and not go to the store like I planned to do!". Then my so-called chemical reaction bounced onto the internet and gave rise to your brain chemistry and thus changed your path and it was meant to be.

Great thinkers like Einstein and Hawking can have their hidden variable theory to explain the Uncertainty Principle into physics. But I have my own theory, there is intelligent design behind the universe. That no matter how intelligent you are, you still make some mistakes, and those errors give us clues into the design. So I cannot profess to the belief in destiny or fate. Because then I would have to absolve all the evil actions of mankind, after all they would not be "responsible" for their own destiny.

I believe this life is not just a happy accident.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Holographic Reality: The Video Gamer Religion

So last month we are sitting down for coffee at the diner when Cindy passes me a VHS tape. "What no DVD or Blue Ray?" I smirked. She is all up in the "new age" religion movement. I never pass up an opportunity to get insight into another belief system. So I borrowed her bootleg copy of "Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe" and finally got around to watching it this week.

What this sad video does is take little facts of science and wraps them around the thought that everything we see, hear, taste, touch and smell is a lie. What it never answers is how can we be certain that the world we live in is a lie, if our own senses are at fault? Basically the believers in this modern hip neo belief movement use philosophic brain teasers to twist your mind in knots.

For example; Atoms are comprised of mostly empty space and therefore no matter can be called solid thus matter is an illusion.

Father of this movement, David Joseph Bohm (1917 – 1992), was a British quantum physicist who made contributions in the fields of theoretical physics, philosophy and neuro-psychology, and to the Manhattan Project. So the believers are allowed a religion without discarding science. Also I imagine this appeals to the younger crowd who loved "The Matrix" or play video games.

I gave Cindy back the VHS and told her it would not be my first choice for a belief system. While we drank our coffee (which I am certain existed) I explained my apprehension to this line of thinking.

According to many of the people nothing exists but thought. This world is nothing but an illusion, no matter, or substance unless we observe it. My sons play "Grand Theft Auto" so if life is nothing but an illusion maybe there is nothing to lose by playing the game. At this point Cindy assured me that the people who believe this way would never hurt others. Ok, but if there is nothing to our five senses then pain and death is only an another illusion. There would be nothing to hurt if I ran around killing and raping. She said I was twisting it and I agreed, after all the people are twisting facts of science and physics to sell videos and books on this subject.

There is a five part video on YouTube should you want to view the double talk for yourself. I don't go making sport of people who have a "belief system" but these people claim to be founded and proven by science. I do believe in an afterlife and have no solid proof that it exists. This is why it is called faith. Faith is a personal experience and cannot be bottled and sold to you in a book or video.

Monday, June 15, 2009

Spiritual Energy

One of my favorite scientific truths, matter and energy cannot be destroyed. People tend to have this false belief than anyone can destroy objects. When you toss a log into the campfire, the chemical structure is turned into ash, the process slowly converts other chemicals into energy, and that energy radiates outward as heat. I still would not care to be chopped up and converted in such a fashion.

The tree no longer exists as a tree, but was not destroyed. It was broken down into basic carbon and transformed into energy. If the energy was used to cook something then the food absorbed some of the energy and was transformed. If the energy was used to keep someone warm, the persons around the campfire absorbed that energy.

Many skeptics claim there is no such thing as a human soul. That belief in Esotericism is just a desire not to die. Personally I look forward to dying, since it means I will get away from all those skeptics. They tend to overlook the fact that our bodies not only consume matter and energy but also produce matter and energy. The brain represents about 2% of ones body weight, it receives 15% of the cardiac output, 20% of total body oxygen consumption, and 25% of total body sugar production. The power used by the human brain has been measured at roughly 10 watts or 10% of what the 100 watts human body generates at rest. Why so much power and resources for such a tiny organ?

Most of my friends call me a New Age nutcase when I talk about this subject. But most religious beliefs are based on the fact that we have a soul, life force, auras, chakra, or qi, and that it survives death and passes on our knowledge and wisdom to some kind or unseen realm. Also depending on who you were and how you believed and stayed loyal to your beliefs decided your final destination.

A scientist, Dr. Duncan MacDougall
, tried to measure the mass lost by a human body when the soul departed the body upon death. In 1907, MacDougall weighed six patients while they were in the process of dying and reported an unexplained wieght loss of 21 grams, but was unable to prove this mass to be the human soul. His work was never taken serious by the scientific communty and was ridiculed. Any scientist today searching for the human soul must do so in secret for fear of both the religous and scientific communties. In his research Dr. MacDougall wrote, "Since therefore it is necessary to the continuance of conscious life and personal identity after death, that they must have for a basis that which is space-occupying, or substance, the question arises has this substance weight, is it ponderable?"

If our soul is energy based (as I suspect) then Dr. MacDougall couldn't weigh it, but it could be measured or even contained. Yes, containment of a soul has been illustrated in both religion and fiction. The "Ghostbusters" had a "Ecto-Containment Unit" to hold spiritual energy inside a force field. Many African religions believe souls can be captured and enslaved. Some parapsychologists claim that the results of hauntings and poltergiests are lost souls or souls bound to the Earth plane.

Many religions sacrifice humans or animals to their God or Gods. This act could be based on the release of energy "feeding" their deity. The Aztec were known for practicing this on an unusually large scale; a human sacrifice would be made every day to aid the sun in rising. While the only time the Old Testament Bible mentions such a human sacrifice to God, is the trial of Abraham to see where his loyalty lies. In that he must sacrifice his only son to God, but is stopped by an angel. He and his son kill a ram instead.

Currently on television today we are bombarded with paranormal ghost hunter shows, which has even leaked into major science networks such as Discovery Channel. Recording spiritual energy with electronics, such as; mp3 players, digital cameras, and heat monitors seems to be quite a fad at the moment. Yet the scientific community want to distance themselves from such studies. So at the end of all the Discovery Channel shows they always quote the "lack off hard evidence" although you spent the last hour watching a show proving the paranormal. They even offer EMF meters (ghost detectors) to their viewers from the website.

Personally I tend to believe we are eternal. That when we die the energy from our body radiates outward and is attracted to other matching forms energy patterns. The energy is then contained inside a collective of like minds. So in essence the Vikings are alive and well living inside their Valhalla, the people who worshipped the old pagan gods are in their own realm, even the Aztec who commited themselves to such a barbaric ways enjoy their afterlife as well.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Does a "God Fractal" Exist?

Albert Einstein was quoted as saying, "I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.". Which at the time Albert was discussing physics of the universe. Meaning there are no random elements. Nothing in life happens randomly. You might want to believe you have "freedom of will" or a choice to make. However according to Albert Einstein, you are predestined to make that choice. Anything you do or say was placed into effect by one atom hitting another or God calling us into creation. Whichever you prefer, Albert Einstein was simply stating that even if you flip a coin, the physics of the coin flipping though the air, bouncing on the surface it lands upon are all part of the complexed pattern.

Arthur C. Clarke presented a documentary "Fractals - The Colors Of Infinity" on the mathematical discovery of the Mandelbrot Set. This show relates the science of fractals to nature in a way that seems to identify the hand of God in the design of the universe itself. Dr. Mandelbrot in 1980 discovered the infinitely complex geometrical shape called the Mandelbrot Set using a very simple equation (z = z*z + C) with computers and graphics. Today anyone can download many free fractal software titles.

If what Albert said is true, the "God Fractal" could exist. What is a "God Fractal"? Imagine you are in the shoes of God not creating something as complexed as the universe but a chain of dominos. The first domino hits the second and so on. We have all seen how complexed they can make them work. As the creator of this supposed chaos you know the outcome. The chain is no mystery to you. What I call a "God Fractal" is the key events that would give us just enough data to understand the pattern. Armed with that kind of knowledge you could predict future events.

Many have claimed to have "God Fractals" before and yet to this day there is no solid proof for their claims. For example, "Timewave zero" is a theory that purports to calculate the ebb and flow of the universe as we progress in time. It is an idea conceived of and discussed at length by Terence McKenna from the early 1970s until his death in the year 2000. While the concept founded by Albert Einstein is sound, I seriously doubt any man will ever discover the "God Fractal" or be allowed to use it to their advantage. I will of course apologize to the late McKenna should we all die in Decemeber of 2012.

If a "God Fractal" did exist, one could not only peer into the future but also view past events in greater detail. Not exactly a time machine but the next best thing. But the same Issac Asimov paradox occurs in our "God Fractal" theory, if one changes his future then the events are no longer fixed and become random. The "God Fractal" being based on a fixed universe can only exist if it is never discovered.

The Dark Side of Oz

Just to let you know I not a complete lunatic. I am the owner and operator of a successful computer data service I founded in the Spring of 1992. My job is looking at puzzles and finding logical solutions. My hobby is much the same but some of my friends say I don't stay inside their meaning of the word logical.

I have been aware of this subject for quite some time now, but I decided to study the film and music myself and come to my own opinion. We ask was this planned or just coincidence, I say it is both and neither. To elaborate on this, have you ever had a great idea for a story and just never got ambitious enough to write it down, then behold months or years later someone has made a movie just like or close to your original theme?

The ancient Greeks claimed that supernatural beings known as Muses embodied the arts and inspired the creation process with their graces through remembered and song and stage, writing, traditional music, and dance. Maybe those Greeks had something there? The Wizard of Oz was originally bashed by the critics and only in modern times is it looked on as a classic piece of cinema. Pink Floyd's music on the record "The Dark Side of the Moon" is a conceptual and philosophical jazz odyssey (perhaps a bit drug endused) that only few songs on the record made any charts.

So I guess my answer would have to be it was planned but not by the band but by forces that connected them in some strange way that we may never understand. Anyone saying there is no connection is just burying his head in the sand. The musicians themselves are not able to understand the connection, it is there and it may frighten them a little. I find skeptics are always frightened by anything unusual and they are the first to find a hole to hide their head. I have made a point to study many oddities and there is something "out there" manipulated the events. This is just my opinion and I have given you my best answer.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Martians, Zetas, or Greys

Before you jump down and post a comment please read the entire article. I have never seen a Grey. If you like more information on exactly what a Grey might be I suggest you read "Greys" in the Wikipedia. Now this is only a theory and with all theory you must present facts. To follow my theory there are two rather large religions that doubt the existence of Greys because of their belief systems. One group is anyone who believes in a God, creator, or divine prophet. The other group believes in raw science and has boosted their egos that we "know everything" about this vast universe people or beings cannot travel the vast distance in space to reach from star to star. I would remind them that was also said about breaking the sound barrier, superconductors, etc.

Now at this point if you cannot read this with an open mind please stop here. I am not going to debate the existence of Greys, God, or Super Science. Thank you.

If Greys abduct people and animals to perform genetic experiments then they are related to us in some fashion. There is little point to be argued by DNA, alien DNA would never match ours. Some people say they seeded us here. If that was the case then our DNA would be very different from the animals around us (unless all life on Earth was placed here). There would be very little to learn from anything you seeded.

If Greys travel a great deal in zero gravity it would explain why they have less body mass. Large eyes to see in the dark, and lack features such as nose, mouth, and genitals. If they are genetic drones then they might be our version of an exploratory robot. Maybe they are the ones genetically mutated to live and survive in space.

Many of our cultural beliefs are based on us arriving here from someplace else. Booted out of the Garden of Eden, Atlantis, Noah's Ark, Tamoanchan, etc. these are now mythology buried in our past there was some common thread to these stories.

We are backwater cousins to the Greys and/or their creators. One group of people that chose to settle this planet. Over the thousands of years that past, just maybe we are the lost colony like Roanoke , maybe they didn't expect us to survive and adapt to our new planet. No record survives, so 10 or 15 thousand years later, a scouting party sees that not only have we survived but we are now so aggressive we are about to destroy ourselves. The Grey Scouts would find us just as much a puzzle as we would find them. No genetic seeding, no aliens with dark agendas, and no smoking man... sorry.

Bottom line here is we need to stop doubting and use our best science to find the root cause and not just stamp all the people who believe in the Greys as lunatics. We need to keep an open mind and remember the old phrase "Where there is smoke, there is fire.".