Many skeptics claim the object on Mars is nothing more than a trick of our over active imaginations. But they always fail to tell you the whole story. Many people call this object the face or sphinx of Mars. I just call it an object to avoid that old discussion about how Michigan looks like a glove and Italy a boot. It’s an object and that’s all that really matters. The objects scattered about the area become of interest when one learns the math.
The mean distance from Mars to Phobos is 9,380 kilometers and 23,460 kilometers from Mars to Deimos. The equatorial radius is 3,397.2 kilometers. Now if we look at those objects above we can establish some fairly odd points to be made. Using ratios in place of the numbers above, if the equatorial radius is 1 then the mean distance from Mars to Phobos is 2.76 and 6.90 from Mars to Deimos. Let’s lay down some lines on our NASA image above.
You may notice the red line that indicates the ratio of 1 stops just outside the circle of objects clustered together. The yellow line stops at the "face" object and the white line stops at the final object on the far right.
Since the red line is a radius let's make a circle and see if this overlay makes some sense. At the very center of this cluster is 4 objects that form a square and around those are 5 looming mountians.
Now if we put all the pieces together we can see a crude lunar map on the surface of Mars.
Skeptics will say I am just manipulating the math or making something out of nothing. But they are the same people that think they "know it all" and have a God complex. I don't want to force NASA to spend trillions of dollars going to Mars. I don't have anything to prove here, the math is there. NASA makes these photos available for download in high resolution so you can check it out yourself. I am just sharing information and observation. If NASA and other astronomers refuse the facts, they have but two reasons. They are blocking truth from the public or from themselves.
So my biggest question is who put it there? I know many people who believe this will say ancient aliens. But why then a humanistic face? Could it simply be that humans had colonies on Mars long ago and history and mythology has erased our past? Many people don't want to believe that we were once very smart and became very stupid. Ask yourself, is it my over developed ego that is blocking me from seeing the facts? If some planetary disaster occurred today wouldn't our children become farmers and hunters to survive? They would sit around campfires and tell their grandchildren of the great magic we called technology, and how people spoke to each other through magic boxes called computers and cell phones. A whole new mythology would rise up in the following generations.
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